From the Council to the Sanctuaries

S. RomedioFor those in search of a more spiritual holiday and interested in discovering more about the faith of this mountain people, Trento and its surroundings offer a variety of churches, sanctuaries and places of worship to visit. In the town there is the Cathedral, the 12th century churches of Sant'Apollinare and San Marco, the Abbey of San Lorenzo and the Sanctuary of the Laste. Outside the town there is the Sanctuary of San Romedio in the Val di Non, set against an attractive natural backdrop, the Sanctuary of Montagnaga in Piné, the heart of the worship of the virgin Mary in Trentino, the churches of the Upper Garda area such as the Inviolata in Riva and the Collegiata in Arco, plus the churches frescoed by the Baschenis family of painters in the Valle Rendena and in the Val di Sole.