Participants people list

Disclaimer : this page only contains the names, affiliations and e-mails of ICAPS03 participants that explicitly allowed their data to appear here. If you want to be removed from this page, please contact . Also, if you took part to ICAPS03, do not appear in this page, and want your name to be inserted, send mail to the same address.

\n"; print "\n"; $i =0; $nome = ""; $email = ""; $affiliation = ""; foreach ($linea as $valore_colonna) { $i++; if ($i == 1) { $nome = $valore_colonna; } if ($i == 2) { $nome = $nome . " " . $valore_colonna; } if ($i == 3) { $email=str_replace("@"," AT ",$valore_colonna); } if ($i == 4) { $affiliation = $valore_colonna; } } print "\t\t\n"; print "\t\t\n"> print "\t\t\n"; print "\t\t\n"> print "\t\t\n"; print "\t\n"; } print "
$nome $email $affiliation
\n"; /* Liberazione delle risorse del risultato */ mysql_free_result($risultato); /* Chiusura della connessione */ mysql_close($connessione); ?>